Nicole Verity Psychotherapy

In this unfolding world of climate change, social injustice, cost of living crises and biodiversity loss I am exploring and have been re-learning, how to be human, with grief and rage, fear and despair, joy and love. It is confusing and frightening to sit alone with this experience, to be told you are a 'doomster', that you must 'find joy'. This grief and other emotions, is in fact love speaking through you and 'there are some things that can only be seen through eyes that are crying'. The life force that arises when we acknowledge these places is imbued with truth, calm presence and stillness that is joy - not shrill hopefulness.

I trust that if we have the opportunity to speak to these diffuclt emotions, to be heard and not judged (or told to cheer up) then the gestures that we offer this world will be more congruent with what is needed.

I work one to one and in small groups. For the group work see "the Work that Reconnects' tab.


The Wild Edge of Sorrow by Francis Weller 

Acitve Hope by Joanna Macy

The Book of Hours (poetry) Rilke, translated by Joanna macy and Anita Burrows.





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