Nicole Verity Psychotherapy

I work with clients who are experiencing difficulties in reconnecting and finding their place in the world as it changes and we have to navigate the unfolding crises and difficulties. How we preceive the world and express ourselves in it is a direct expression of our inner state, the traumas, unexpressed grief and anger. So here is where we need to be, to pay attention to the inner world and how it wants to connect to the outerworld.

Many of us are in a state of overwhelm but getting by, our nervous systems were not built for the amount of information that arrives into our cells each day. It is a way of coping, that we choose apathy, become depressed, have addictions, whie feeling confused and that  'something is missing'.  This and the added stresses of everyday life getting inthe way of engaging fully with the world as it is now. But it does not have to be this way. There are ways that we can we can explore the inner world and find ways to reconnect and discover the gestures inside of us that want to honour this life. I call it, in Joanna Macy's words 'Coming Back to Life'.

'Of course! The future 

doesn't lie down in flat miles.

It's in the imagination

with which you perceive this world,

and the gestures

with which you honour it.'

Mary Oliver



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